Psalm 145:15-16….. “The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season. 16 You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”
DAY 1: The month of August is a month where the mercy of God will speak into your life’s battles.
DAY 2: The month of August is a month where your old garment will be taken away from your body and replace with a new garment of favour and progress.
DAY 3: Throughout the month of August, all the prophecies that you have received in the past, they will manifest this day, in Jesus name.
DAY 4: Those who have mocked you as they did to Blind Bartimaeus and that woman with the issues of blood, they shall come and celebrate with you this day, in Jesus name.
DAY 5: Whatever the devil is using to pollute your dream life shall be aborted this day, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 6: Where you have been rejected in the past, you shall go there and be accepted by the order of Esther, in Jesus name.
DAY 7: Every spirit of GO-SLOW in the journey of your life shall give way to your speedy progress, in Jesus name.
DAY 8: No matter your present challenges, the Lord will make a way for you where there seems to be no way, in Jesus name.
DAY 9: All the negative doors that the spirit of sin, fear and worries has opened in the past, shall be closed today, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 10: As from today, you shall prevail against the enemies of your breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 11: All your blessings attached to your village, the former house shall be released unto you this month, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 12: Every barren mother shall become fruitful this day and every joyful mother shall bear children, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 13: All the fake prophecies that you have received for previous months shall expire in Jesus name.
DAY 14: From the month of August, no sickness or infirmities shall swallow all your hard-earned money, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 15: All the helpers of your destiny will not rest until they bless you today, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 16: From the month of August, you shall not suffer anymore set back in your life, in Jesus name. Proverbs 4:18.
DAY 17: Very soon, you will receive a call of favour that will terminate your years of labour in the name of Jesus!
DAY 18: All those that are set for marriage, you are celebrating your miracle marriage this month of August, in Jesus name.
DAY 19: Today shall be the end of prolonging suffering and backwardness, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 20: Today, all your prayers shall make sense before Almighty God, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 21: From this month of August, you are no more a candidate for job seeker. The Lord is connecting you to your helpers before the end of today, in Jesus name.
DAY 22: The blessings of your pastors on your head shall not be converted to a curse, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 23: No more abandoned projects in your life; your projects will be done without sweat from now on in Jesus name!
DAY 24: From this day, every monitoring spirit programmed into your shadow, shall be pulled out by the blood of Jesus name.
DAY 25: The works of your hands shall bring good tidings and your financial life shall not run dry, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 26: In this month of August, people will come and celebrate what God has done in your life, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 27: Your closed heavens shall be opened forever by the order of Daniel, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 28: The month of August shall not see the end of your life, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 29: The month of August is your month of deliverance, open doors, success and fruitfulness in all rounds of your life, in Jesus name.
DAY 30: Anything that is making you single, shall be destroyed and your marital blessings shall be given to you in this month of August, in Jesus name.
DAY 31: In the month of August, all the things that are dead (business, marriage, finances, career, ministry etc) shall be resurrected by fire, in the name of Jesus.
If you have any dreams, please don’t hesitate to share it with me on my email. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.
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